Sunday, October 9, 2011

24 Hours B4

So Friday was all about the expo for me.  I am one of those annoying shoppers that loves to meander, ponder, meander, ponder...literally for hours.  I relish in carefully looking at every little thing.  I really love to take my time to just see it all and not be in a rush or have to stay with someone else.  So basically I never get to do that kind of shopping--EVER.  Who has the time?

I had the time!  No kids!  No husband!  No friends to tug me around.  Jill was running around on her own and that was just perfect for me!  I did hook up with my friend Monique after a couple of hours.  We drove to the course and took a look.  Of course I didn't pay that much attention.  I was too nervous and ADD.  Butterflies I tell you!  Adrenalin pumping full boar now.  In one last act of preparation for our 26.2 mile mountain, we found ourselves in a doctors office getting Vitamin B-12 shots in our butts.  We runners have a lot of rituals.  Getting a B-12 shot is just one of many that runners often partake of.  We will do anything we can to improve our performance (within reason!).

At about 5pm Jill and I hooked up for dinner.  We went to the Pizza Pasta Factory.  Perfect carbo- loading dinner.  I had been carbo loading for the past 2 days.  I also drank more water than I could stand.  Pee must be clear you see.  Funny funny things we runners do.

That night we tried to go to bed early.  We were both crawling out of our skin with excitement.  The steam shower was the perfect relaxer.  Who knows how long I was in that thing!  Set my alarm for 3am (4am mountain time).  Tried to sleep.  Somewhat succeeded.  I have heard that the night before a race noone sleeps well because of the adrenalin rush going on.  It is also said that the night before the night before should be your best sleep.  Done.  Thanks Jill.  Thanks Ambien.    

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