Saturday, August 27, 2011

30 Seconds

It's amazing what 30 seconds can do.  30 seconds added to your time I mean.  It's like a buffer against injury.  Today on our long run, Miko and I ran an average of 9:40 for approximately 16 miles.  (We usually run between a 9 and a 9:15 on long runs)  We ran 13 outside in the heat, and ran the last 3 inside in the cool at the gym.  Does my "broken" foot hurt?  NO.  Do I feel like I have any injuries?  NO.  Do I feel as bad as I did for the past few weeks after my long runs?  NO.

BIG DIFFERENCE.  How can 30 seconds make such a huge difference?  I don't know, but it does.  It's the difference for me between pushing myself and running EASY.  The long run is for running easy.  I had to learn this the hard way...after getting a different injury after every long run...seriously!  It got so old.  I felt like an old lady complaining of a different ache or pain every week.  Thus the affect of running too hard for too long a distance.  Still, boy it felt good to prove to myself I could do it!  But that should be done in a race only...not a training run!!

Today it was so nice to just enjoy the run.  To talk with Miko most of the way, and enjoy the scenery.  And beautiful it was!  Hot air balloons in the sky, the rolling hills and sunrising over them.  I will surely keep this place securely locked inside of my heart.  I may be moving out of state from sunny Temecula, California to hot and humid Little Rock, Arkansas.  I know I know...hick-town right?  So random...why oh why Arkansas...well, it has it's good points.  I don't know what they are, but I'm bound to find out.  (Quickly if my husband gets the job he's interviewing for next week!)

As I was finishing up my 16 miles, I began to get a little emotional.  "You don't know what you've got until it's gone" ran through my brain-no pun intended.  I was thinking that next month my awesome running partners and group could be a fond memory.  My home away from home, LA Fitness, gone.  In the last year I have met some of the greatest runners and athletes that I have ever met.  I have gone from running a 10 minute mile to running an 8:30 in a year's time.  I have learned so much from my running buddies and gym instructors.  They have welcomed me with warm friendship and helpful encouragement.  Will I be as fortunate to be embraced in such accepting and friendly friendships again?  I can only hope.

So this week was a different approach that worked for me:
Mon. Can't remember anything about this day--sad but true
Tues. Yoga with Erin and Body Works with Jen-LOVED
Wed. Ran 6 miles fast 7/8:30 pace because Carries spin class was full! :(
Thurs.  Nada--called the police on crazy lady with "killer" dog...missed yoga class! LAME
Fri. ran 4 miles easy 9:15 pace
Sat. ran 16 miles 9:30 pace.  Finished last 3 miles at a 9/8:50 pace...whoohoo

No injuries...just sore.  Oh, and nauseated...I think from my GU's.  I'm going back to decaf gummy bears.

Next week I'm going to try yet another approach...small tidbits of running...every day

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