Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Injury Blues

I've had the injury blues for the last week.  Last Monday I ran about 8 miles and then did yoga...did I mention I THEN DID YOGA...why oh why did I do this!  I stretched and strained way too much and paid for it with ripped legs for the whole week after.  I even freaked enough to schedule a physical therapy along with a sports medicine doc appointment...oh and lets not forget the massage therapist.  OK do I sound paranoid?  To add insult to my injury, my husband gave me his usual pragmatic and logic loaded lecture on how my chances of qualifying for Boston in my second marathon are about slim to none.  My legs were noodles for a week.  Limp noodles I tell you--weak and shaky.  No recovery.  NOT FUN.  Like most runners I'd rather eat asphalt than stop running and so I've had a blue week.  But as my running friends always tell me, we've all been there.  The sports medicine doc laughed at me when I was telling him my story.  He said he never met a logical or sane runner who didn't push himself farther than he should.  Or athlete for that matter.  We are all crazy he said.  We all believe the unbelievable.  That's what makes us great athletes.  He repeated the old saying..."Great athletes aren't extraordinary people, they are ordinary people doing extraordinary things."  I like him.  When I asked him whether he thought I would be able to run the marathon in October he said, "Sure!  You'll be able to run the damn thing!"  "But I want you into PT 3x's a week for two weeks and after that come see me and we'll talk."  

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